Image Source: Mark Tegethoff (Unsplash)

"Spring drew on… and a greenness grew over those brown beds, which, freshening daily, suggested the thought that Hope traversed them at night and left each morning brighter traces of her steps".

~ Charlotte Bronte


As I write this post, today is March 20th, the first day of Spring - also called the Spring (Vernal Equinox). Earlier this morning, I attended a 6 a.m. hot yoga class. Our instructor announced that today was the first day of Spring, a new moon, and the start of the astrological new year. What an incredible alignment of new beginnings.


We are shifting into a time when Mother Earth rises from her winter slumber; energy springs forth, and the plant kingdom returns to life with new blooms and greener grass. It is a time to renew the mind, body, and spirit - a chance to shed what no longer serves us well.


If you follow the moon's phases - a new moon is a time to revisit or set new intentions for the month. Did you honor the purpose? If not, how can you accomplish what you intended since last month? Stay calm, as you have a chance approximately every thirty days at renewal. Here are a few ways to begin again.


Mindful breathing is an excellent way to refresh our outlook on life. Each breath cycle offers the opportunity for out with the old and in with the new.

1.    Sit in a cross-legged position supported by a bolster or a folded blanket with a tall spine that supports your head and neck. Lie on your back for greater comfort. If you wish, close your eyes.

2.    Equal breathing - inhale for a count of four and exhale the same.

3.    Inhale peace and balance. Exhale that which no longer serves you.

4.    Continue this practice for at least five minutes.



Start the renewal process by writing down your affirmations and intentions during the new moon phase. offers the following examples:


Affirmations and intentions:

1.    "I clear away any stagnant energy that's no longer serving me and welcome any changes that need to occur for me to best align with my highest self."

2.    "I welcome this new chapter with open arms and step into this new moon phase with nothing but acceptance and gratitude." (2023)

3.    From our breathing practice (above) - "I inhale peace and balance, and exhale that which no longer serves me."


To manifest the intentions you have written down, meditate (on them) and visualize what you seek during this cycle. Remember - the US Olympic Team uses visualization. If it is good enough for them, it is good enough for us.


Image Source: Max van den Oetelaar (Unsplash)

Commune with Nature

Take a walk, hike, or drive to enjoy the budding trees and blossoming flowers to experience the Earth's rebirth. Depending upon where you live, winter may still be lingering, so be patient.


The Spring Equinox occurs once a year without fail, but our renewal can happen monthly or whenever your heart desires - make your journey unique to you. Drawing from Charlotte Bronte's quote - Hope springs eternal. Until next time -






New Moon Affirmations (June 20th, 2022). Retrieved from on 3/20/2023.


