Image courtesy of kalei peek (Unsplash)
While sitting to pen this post, my thoughts drifted back to the day of my dad’s wake (almost ten years ago), where I delivered his eulogy. I remember relating the lessons I learned about the quality of his character and personality. During this recounting, I spoke about the all-encompassing universal timeline where each of us deposits both positive and negative aspects of our existence into the bank of life. It is here where all humanity can withdraw from either type of account. To clarify this point, consider the following scenario. How do you feel when someone in a foul mood walks into an otherwise festive gathering of friends? Does it change the atmosphere? Did you or others absorb some of this negative energy (aka make a withdrawal from the negative bank account)? So, why discuss this?
A universal timeline is a tool with excellent change-agent capabilities for both good and bad. Think about it. A powerful way to make harmful deposits/withdrawals is via news media outlets. I recall countless times when reporters devoted the first 15 minutes of the evening newscast to delivering bad news about war, social unrest, terrorism, and local crimes. We cannot fault the media because it is their job to report these events. However, the more we are exposed to the negative side of life, the more negative we can become (at least, it has been my personal experience that negativity begets negativity). With the constant bombardment of the same storyline over several weeks or months, it’s no wonder why so many people hold a bleak outlook on life. We need to change the course direction of this world and become change agents for positivity.
Throughout time, many stories (both reality and fiction) have told the tales of good triumphing over evil/bad. To course correct, collectively, as a human race, we need to make far more positive deposits onto the universal timeline to be made available for others to withdraw. We must accomplish this at the individual, group, and organizational levels. The bottom line is that if we fill the world with vast amounts of positivity, it/they will beget positivity. It should be part of everyone’s vision to include the following concepts:
Image courtesy of Belinda Fewings (Unsplash)
Imagine what this world would be like if all the media could report on were good, wholesome stories. At the end of the day, it starts with each person on this planet Until next time -